Spring Break Houston

And we think our current living arrangements might be getting a little cramped, it could always be worse, guys:)
Yes, he's been working out.
Aleesia was brave enough to try the bungee jump at the galleria. She had so much fun while Mom, Dad, Grant, Evan, Brett and Pa Pa cheered her on from the sidelines.
Then was Grant's turn, the picture is a bit out of focus...in my defense, Grant was doing backflips from the moment they strapped him in, literally:) He even drew a small crowd of people from all levels of the Galleria; people amazed at the bravery...and the comical repetition of this grinning 6 year old little boy doing backflips:)
I was shocked to find out that Samuel, despite the smile in the picture, after 10 years of marriage, has never enjoyed going into the ground hog tunnel. The kids, on the other hand, never tire of it:)
Riding the Rhino at the Zoo
And the cookie NAPPER strikes again! Was he framed, or did he really crawl out of his crib, nab a few 'nilla wafers and crawl back in to enjoy the rest of his night?! We may never know. Sadly, we had to confiscate them... but not without getting a good laugh and photo first:)
Guess Who!
So close to home, but so fun! We had a blast:)


OneMooreFamily said…
I love it! You and your family are TOO precious. Thanks for posting and sharing all the cute pictures. Distance has nothing to do with making memories and you just proved it!
Creative Stirrings said…
How fun! I love the wafers! I think I am going to start bringing snacks to bed with me too. Way to go Evan!
Creative Stirrings said…
I mean Brett, but Evan is cool too.

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