Family Vacation 2009

Brush those germs away:)
I don't know who the extra is, he looked so ready to have a picture taken of him, I didn't have the heart to ask him to step down:)  Isn't this  fun setup!
Aleesia with one of the parakeets they let you hold.
Sam Houston Jones State Park  
Lake Charles, Louisiana
This was seriously so relaxing and fun.  They had cabins with a kitchen and couches and real beds, which is the only way to go camping when your 7 months pregnant:)  Camping is always my idea of a vacation, there's just something about the smell of a campfire in the morning, smores and long bicycle rides:)  We were able to see lots of deer and racoon, ducks, rabbits and a baby alligator.  Who knew the swamps could be so beautiful!!:)
The Baton Rouge Zoo


Jill said…
Such cute pics! Okay, Robin- seriously, 7 months!? I think I heard from my mother-in-law a month or so ago that you were expecting again, congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Do you know what you're having yet?
Amber said…
So fun! You guys know how to party!
Bless Your Heart said…
I had no idea you were expecting! :) So exciting!

This is Casey, by the way. I'm a new blogger!!!

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