California...Here we Coooome!:)
aaand they're off...
The Trip There
Remember the Alamo
Aleesia did. She had learned about the events surrounding the Alamo in school and was so excited to go see the actual place. Who can go to San Antonio and not see it, at least once. I love this city!!
The kids loved the different types of cacti:)
It was so fun to see the differing landscape between Texas and California. The kids were most excited about the deserts, believe it or not!:)
More of the Alamo
More Cactus
More Desert
....And He's Out
32 Hours Later...
This was all of our first trip to the beautiful state of California. Don and Elizabeth, Samuel's sister and husband and children live just outside of San Diego where there are beaches and mountains and really, really good weather. I finally understand why there are so many songs written about California.:) Besides the beauty and natural diversions, we really enjoyed spending the week with Don and Elizabeth and the Packard clan, who gathered there for a family reunion of sorts. I also experienced a reaffirmation about what a fun, talented, and unique family that I married into:). And one of the highlights of the trip...bum bu du dum...the 10K mud run race that Samuel and I ran with the Packard clan. Okay, so, we walked a lot of the time, and it doesn't deserve credit for being THE highlight of the trip....but we had a great experience bonding through winded conversations and running through mud...lots of mud. All that being said: really fun, and repeatable experience:)
The Way Back Home
Our Stop in Utah
The Tractor Ride at This is the Place
Evan and sweet:)
Evan and the Tiger
Tommy and Grant at the Duck Pond at This is the Place...The ducks, we jokingly blame for the "Duck Flu" that we experienced on the second part of the trip.
And the host and hostess with the mostest award goes to: (drum roll).....Thomas and Melissa, who, hosted us for a long, messy, and excruciating night of waking with sick kids every hour and washing sheets, towels and blankets. One of the children being ours, and the other hers...curiously enough, the two who were allegedly seen with duck waste on their hands and/or in their mouths.:) We used our bucket for Evan and Brett every hour in the car on the way home, then, when he was done, it was Grant's turn. Those darn ducks!:)
Despite the flu, the memories made and lessons learned were irreplaceable, wonderful, and oh so sweet!