The Elusive Kabob Stick
When Evan started scooting around so as not to walk on his foot, we knew something still really wasn't right. 2 months before, Evan was running around the living room when he fell suddenly to the ground and began to complain about his foot. I examined and reexamined but could find nothing but a very small slit, less than 2 or 3 millimeters in length. Samuel took a sanitized needle to try to open the small slit up a little more in case something was still in his foot. Nothing.
Several weeks went by and Evan began limping. We tried to reopen and investigate but could not find anything. He would insist nothing was in it. He would smile and say, it's fine. Once, when Samuel was pushing around on his foot, Evan began to yell as many rude words as his little brain could, "Poooo Poooo, Peeee Peeee"! All the things he knew he shouldn't be yelling. He was experiencing real pain that wasn't going away.
We made an appointment with the dr. who referred us to a pediatric surgeon. They took X-rays and decided to perform surgery on the foot to see if they could find something in his foot. After that first surgery, the dr. came back with bad news. They couldn't find anything.
We went home, helped it heal, but it wouldn't heal. Evan, At that point, began scooting. In the picture above, he's protecting his hurt foot. We took him back in. They did an MRI of the foot and FOUND IT! It was an object near his bone, they knew it must have been made of an organic material because it didn't show up on X-rays, but it did on the MRI.
The surgery was set up and everything went well. The dr. came back with a piece of a kabob stick about 3/4 of an inch in length. It had been making its way up towards his bone and was very close to coming into contact with the bone of his foot. We were both surprised and so excited to finally have an answer to Evan's mysterious foot pain! Whew! No more kabob sticks in the house, at least for a while.:)