Family Christmas in Texas
Taking a ride on Pa Pa's tractor
Orsaks vs. Outlaws
Rachelle and the cousins watching the men's football game.
All Muddy after riding Pa Pa's go cart
Olive and Penelope (Thomas and Melissa's little ones) in the Orsak Family Talent Show. So, so sweet!
Evan, Grant, Aleesia, and Brett in their Christmas Pajamas
This is the first year that I made Aleesia's Christmas Pajamas, and they actually turned out so well. She looked beautiful, and the boys were excited about their printed p.j.s:)
Evan and Conner (Trey and Rachelle's baby) all dressed up for the Orsak recreation of the
Nativity Story
Our Star, Penelope, and Angel, Avery (with mom - Amber):)
Santa visited us Christmas morning
Can't forget the snap shot of Grandpa sporting the latest in nose ring fashion:)
They are going to love looking and laughing at this picture when they're all grown up:) So sweet, look how tough they all look. They had a blast wrestling each other the whole Christmas break. Little boys relationships with each other are a mystery to me. Grant explained to me that these guys are his best friends right after telling me a story in which he wrestled his best friends to the ground and then vice versa until one of them began to cry. They would then call a truce and start all over after five minutes:) And they had a blast!
We had such a good time with everyone in Texas! We're looking forward to a repeat really soon! Thanks to everyone who helped make Christmas 2009 such a memorable event spent with the people closest to my heart.
I love all your photos! Great capture of a wonderful Christmas.