Happy Birthday to our Little Lady:)!!!

Our Beautiful Smiling Lady:)
The Cake
The Spread:)
Blow out the Candles!
The Entertainment and the Company:)
 Brett dancing for the party!
MeMe's "How to Be a Lady" Presentation
Aleesia and cousin Ella looking glam after 
the makeovers:)
Me Me and Pa Pa
Aleesia's Celebration at Home
We opened family presents then celebrated at
Casa Ole'.  It's another Casa Ole' Day Hey!:)


AmyLyn said…
Love it!! What a darling idea--can I copy you someday with it? ;-) Ella felt very honored to be on the blog! Super cute post!!
Melanie said…
So sad we couldn't be there Robin!! Happy happy birthday Aleesia! Taylor talks about you guys all the time! I hope we can see you again soon:)
Jill said…
I know you already know this, but I'll tell you anyway- Aleesia is BEAUTIFUL! What a cutie! and already 5! Oh, by-the-way I LOVE the ladybug cake! I might make one for one of my upcoming girls' birthdays :) So fun!
Melissa said…
Very cute theme! Your mom and dad have not aged a bit. Happy birthday to both of you.
The Battisti Family said…
Wow, it's already been another year? I remember just reading about her last bday:) Love the make over, they were just doing it again today and Aleesia is so grown up about how she applies all the make up on Ella. Cute pics, she's beautiful!
Amber said…
Okay, so first of all Leesie is just lovely and grown and beautiful and I could keep going for days about her.
Second of all the party theme and ideas were so cute! Having a lesson on how to be a lady, the cake, the bug hats, even the green table cloth was ever so crafty and clever!

I wish I were there!
Creative Stirrings said…
Robin, this turned out soooo fun! What great ideas! I am so proud of you! Thanks for sharing it all with us! I will have to share it with my sister as she LOVES lady bugs! Great job! We wish we lived closer! Love you!
Rachelle said…
I love the ladybug theme-- everything turned out fantastic! And Aleesia is turning into a gorgeous little lady. I can't wait to see her at Christmas!
koleandhisgirls said…
What a cute party.......but I think that I'm even more jealous that you went to Casa Ole! I really miss that place! Coloradins don't know what Tex Mex is!

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