Welcome Home Brett E Packard!

We were blessed with a new baby boy born on June 11th, 2009.
Height: 19 1/2 
Weight: 7 lbs. 11 oz.
We are loving our new addition, soft skin, sweet baby eyes, baby cries and all:)


Melissa said…
He's beautiful. Love the name and his dark hair! Congrats
Meg Barry said…
Congratulations! He is gorgeous! I wish I were there to borrow your older kids and give you a rest with this little guy.
Melanie said…
Congratulations Robin! Taylor told me that you had delivered (I guess Aleesia told her:) I plan on coming by before we officially leave for Houston to meet the handsome little man! We are so excited for you guys!!
Jill said…
He's a doll! Robin- you and Samuel have such beautiful kids and I love their names! Congratulations!
Rachelle said…
Beautiful boy! I love the photos; you did a fabulous job.

I can't wait to see you... Do we really have to wait until Christmas?!
Sarah Fruge said…
Congrats! He's precious
Amber said…
Okay so he is so delightfully sweet. and perfect. and newborn. It makes me want another one! Lovely photos, beautiful baby!
I can't wait to meet him! Congrats.

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